Sunday, March 22, 2009

my birthday today

My Birthday

Today is my 55th birthday.  Thanks allah for giving me the opportunity to live and enjoy my life with my family. It is almost one year since i went through my breast cancer treatment and thanks allah again for giving me my husband and family that really understand, support and help me to go all out for my chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment smoothly and confidently.  I enjoy going through the treatment at HUKM as i always meet new friends who are willing to share their experiences.  I pray that i will be able to go through the next treatment that is herceptin treatment for another year.I hope to be a cancer survivor so that i will be able to share my experiences with others.From what i understand, a cancer patient can be called a survivor only after 5 years of living a healthy life free of cancer from the day of treatment.As for me it is hardly one year but at least i have gone a long way from day one discovering i have cancer, the breast operation, chemoterapy, radioterapy and next will be herceptin treatment.At least I am able to survive another day each day. Insyaallah.

To some people birthday is a day that they do not want to remember because they will be a year older. For me, I look forward to that date. My family members, sisters,friends( especially one of my female senior officer Mdm R in Johor Bahru who will always remember to send birthday card. May allah bless her)will send their wishes and prayers/doa.Those prayers meant alot to me especially now as every second of living is a bonus and gift from allah.Ameen

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday mak! Nanti mlm karang kita keluar celebrate birthday both of us. huhu
